LOS ANGELES – “Nǎi Nai and Wài Pó,” a heartwarming documentary directed by Sean Wang, has earned a place on the Oscar shortlist. The film, which follows the lives of Wang’s grandmothers, will be available for streaming next month on Disney+ and Hulu. It marks the relaunch of the beloved Walt Disney documentary short film series, “People & Places,” which originally ran from the 1950s to the 1960s.
“Nǎi Nai and Wài Pó” has already received critical acclaim, winning the Grand Jury Prize and audience award at this year’s SXSW festival, as well as Grand Jury Awards at AFI Fest and SIFF 2023. The film explores the multigenerational story of two grandmothers who find joy and strength in dancing, stretching, and embracing life’s challenges.
The trailer for the documentary shows the two seniors engaging in an arm-wrestling contest, with one of them remarking, “I am currently 83 years old, but I feel like I’m 20.” The film’s dialogue is in both Mandarin and English.
Directed and produced by Sean Wang, “Nǎi Nai and Wài Pó” is also co-produced by Sam Davis and Malcolm Pullinger. Joanna Natasegara, an Oscar winner for “The White Helmets,” serves as the executive producer.
The upcoming release of “Nǎi Nai and Wài Pó” is just the beginning of an exciting year for Sean Wang. His debut feature film, “DìDi,” is set to premiere in the U.S. Dramatic Competition at the Sundance Film Festival. Wang’s film was selected for the 2023 Sundance Screenwriters Lab and Directors Lab, and he was chosen as part of the Project Advancement and Completion Fund collaboration between the Sundance Institute and The Walt Disney Company.
The original “People & Places” series, which featured films directed by Ben Sharpsteen, explored various distant locales such as Lapland, Portugal, Sardinia, Japan, Siam, the Arctic, and Antarctica.
“Nǎi Nai and Wài Pó” promises to captivate audiences with its endearing portrayal of grandmothers embracing life’s joys and challenges. Disney is relaunching the “People & Places” series with the film, showcasing real-life stories of extraordinary people and places from around the world that embody the Disney ethos.
In conclusion, “Nǎi Nai and Wài Pó,” directed by Sean Wang, has earned a place on the Oscar documentary shortlist. The film, which explores the lives of Wang’s grandmothers, will be available for streaming on Disney+ and Hulu next month. It marks the relaunch of the “People & Places” series, showcasing real-life stories that embody the Disney ethos.