Slidell, LA – As a lifelong resident of the New Orleans metropolitan area, I’ve driven these streets for decades, from the times when the main arteries were Broad Street and U.S. 90, long before the modern interstate system reshaped our city. Over the years, I’ve seen everything on the road from seasoned commuters to tourists lost on their first visit. Yet, a shift in recent years has caught my attention, one that poses significant concerns about safety on our roadways.
Local residents and visitors alike seem to have developed a flagrant disregard for traffic laws that were designed to protect us. It’s not just about minor oversights; I’m talking about glaring violations like running red lights during peak traffic hours, and ignoring stop signs as though they were mere suggestions, not mandatory stops. The change is palpousible, as a shared reckless spirit seems to take the wheel, squashing the rules underfoot—or tire, more accurately.
Gone are the days when yellow lights signaled caution, prompting drivers to slow down. Nowadays, these same lights seem to trigger an automatic and daring response to accelerate, as if it’s a challenge rather than a warning to decelerate. It’s alarming how pedestrians now seem to navigate these streets at their peril, regarded by some not as people but as mere obstacles in their path. Equally concerning is the misuse of lanes designated for bicycles and skateboards, with many choosing to defy the direction of traffic, intensifying the chaos.
Reflecting upon my days as a delivery driver traversing these roads delivering flowers, I recall how the police presence was evident and effective. They weren’t just figures in the rearview mirror; they served as active guardians of traffic laws, ensuring our streets were safe and orderly. Tickets for violations, though frustrating at the time, now remind me of a period when there was a tangible accountability for one’s actions on the road.
Just recently, during a drive with my wife, the scale of disregard for even the simplest traffic regulations became a topic of conversation—and concern. As a game, we decided to count each violation we spotted, though this quickly turned from amusement to a distressing insight into just how common these transgressions have become.
While it’s understandable that law enforcement officers have a multitude of responsibilities, the basic enforcement of traffic laws should not fall by the wayside. The roadways are arteries of the community, integral to its function and form. Neglecting such duties not only jeopardizes the safety of drivers and pedestrians but also diminishes respect for the laws that bind our society.
There was a time, some decades ago, when a television show, “Car 54, Where Are You?” humorously depicted the misadventures of a pair of bumbling police officers. Today, however, the title might well serve as a genuine plea for the return of a policing focus that seems lost in the chaos of contemporary urban life.
The trend is worrisome, hinting at deeper issues—perhaps an understaffed police department, or a shift in administrative priorities. Whatever the underlying causes, they must be addressed promptly. The safety of our streets, the safeguarding of our community, and the preservation of law and order depend on this foundational aspect of police work being carried out diligently.
As we ponder the legacy we wish to leave for the next generation, let’s strive for a recovery of respect for the rule of law on the roads. Only then can we hope to curb the current tide of road indiscipline and ensure our streets are safe for everyone, from the young child stepping onto the school bus to the elderly couple taking a leisure-imbued stroll. Our community deserves no less.