Uzbekistan Braces for Legal Overhaul: Major Changes Coming in 2024

TASHKENT, Uzbekistan — In a year of significant legal and political transformations, the Republic of Uzbekistan is set for further change in 2024. Starting January 1, several laws will come into effect in the country, shaping the legal landscape. These laws aim to improve the procedure for reviewing court decisions, enhance the fairness and legality of judgments, and regulate the state budget for the upcoming year.

One of the key laws is the “Law on Amendments and Additions to the Economic Procedural Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.” This law eliminates the practice of sending cases back to first-instance courts for retrial. Instead, higher courts will make final decisions on cases, reducing the need for multiple reviews. Additionally, judges who have already participated in a case at a review-instance court will be prohibited from involvement in subsequent proceedings. The law also allows for appeals against decisions made by cassation instance courts.

Another significant law is the “Law on Amendments and Additions to the Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.” This law shifts the responsibility for issuing final decisions on cases from higher courts to each individual court. It also establishes the right to file a private appeal against a court’s decision to refuse the annulment of a court order. The decisions of appellate, cassation, and review courts will become legally effective immediately upon their issuance.

The “Law on the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2024” focuses on regulating the country’s consolidated budget for the upcoming year. It allows for increased grants for socially significant national and state programs without the need for amendments to the law. In case the forecasted revenues are not met after six months, measures will be implemented to address the situation.

Additionally, the “Law on Making Changes to the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan” introduces a review authority in the process of adjudicating court decisions on administrative cases. It establishes that cases initially tried by lower courts will undergo review in regional courts through appeal or cassation procedures. The time frame for filing an appeal against a decision on an administrative offense has also been reduced.

Lastly, the “Law on Amendments and Additions to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan” brings changes to the evaluation of court verdicts, rulings, and decisions in criminal cases. It allows for comprehensive examination of the entire case, including aspects pertaining to all convicts, regardless of whether they filed a complaint or protest. Convicts, their defenders, legal representatives, victims, and their representatives are entitled to appeal against judgments and rulings.

These new laws in Uzbekistan aim to streamline court procedures, enhance fairness, and establish clearer guidelines for reviewing court decisions. They will play a crucial role in shaping the legal landscape of the country in 2024.