Calgary Lawyer Nyall DaBreo Charged with Assault Using a Vehicle in Domestic Incident

Calgary, Canada — Calgary criminal lawyer Nyall DaBreo, 30, has found himself entangled in legal difficulties following a domestic incident involving assault with a weapon. Court documents reveal that the charge stemmed from an incident on March 16, where it is alleged that DaBreo used a vehicle as a weapon against Charmaine Jacobs.

During a recent court session presided over by Justice Gordon Putnam, DaBreo’s lawyer, John Hooker, requested an adjournment for the case, pushing the proceedings to a later date next week. DaBreo, who was granted release under strict conditions including no contact with Jacobs or another unnamed individual, did not attend the hearing.

This is not the first brush with the law for DaBreo. He received a conditional discharge last July following a 2022 incident at Calgary International Airport. During that occurrence, DaBreo, under the influence and attempting to board a flight without a required negative COVID-19 test, threatened an officer after being denied boarding.

The airport incident escalated when DaBreo, frustrated and inebriated, lashed out at airline staff. Crown prosecutor Dawn MacDonald described how the situation necessitated police intervention to de-escalate. Despite being initially argumentative, DaBreo was detained briefly for disorderly conduct though the charge was later withdrawn.

Upon his conditional release from the airport incident, DaBreo returned to the arresting officer and made a severe threat concerning the officer’s children, demonstrating the gravity of his emotional turmoil at that time. The threat was taken seriously given the specifics and the context in which it was made.

DaBreo’s lawyer at the time, Peter Hoare, commented that his client was experiencing a particularly difficult period, struggling professionally and personally as a solo practitioner. However, since the incident, DaBreo has actively sought help for his alcohol dependency, engaging with Alcoholics Anonymous and assuming a leadership role to aid others in overcoming their addictions.

The legal road ahead for DaBreo remains uncertain as he confronts these newest allegations. His previous legal outcomes and ongoing efforts in rehabilitation may play a crucial role in how his current charges are addressed in court. As the case unfolds, it will undoubtedly challenge the fine line between personal adversities and professional conduct in legal proceedings.