ICOM Launches Global Award Recognizing Sustainable Development Practices in Museums

Dubai, United Arab Emirates – The International Council of Museums (ICOM) is launching a prestigious global award that aims to recognize innovative initiatives and exemplary museum practices in sustainable development. The ICOM Award, the first of its kind organized by ICOM, seeks to showcase the contributions of museums to sustainable development and inspire museum professionals worldwide to prioritize sustainability.

Through this award, ICOM aims to implement its 2019 Resolution on sustainability and the implementation of Agenda 2030, adopted in Kyoto. It also aims to promote the roles and responsibilities of museums in sustainable development and provide a platform for advocacy on the diverse actions of museums in this field.

The ICOM Award for Sustainable Development Practice in Museums will assess entries based on the five dimensions of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership. The selection process will be carried out by an international Jury consisting of museum experts and sustainable development experts.

The prestigious ICOM Award Ceremony is scheduled to take place at the 27th ICOM General Conference in 2025, which will be held in Dubai. The conference will bring together museum professionals and stakeholders from around the world to share knowledge and best practices in sustainable development.

ICOM SUSTAIN, the International Committee on Museums and Sustainable Development, plays a crucial role in investigating the development of a sustainability information hub. This committee aims to facilitate initiatives undertaken by other branches of ICOM and communicate them effectively to members as they strive to create a sustainable future.

To ensure the success of the ICOM Award, the organization is seeking experts to join the jury panel. Interested individuals can submit their applications online through the provided form. The organization has also released the Terms of Reference that govern the organization and mandate of the jury.

For those looking for more information on the ICOM Award, the organization has provided a comprehensive guide that outlines the terms and conditions of the award, as well as details of the selection process. This award serves as a significant opportunity for museums to be recognized for their efforts in sustainable development and to contribute to a global movement towards a more sustainable future.

AP News Style