Public Safety and Rule of Law: Key Priorities for Improving Democracy, New Study Finds

Public safety and the rule of law are significant factors in improving democracy in many countries, according to a survey conducted in 24 nations. In middle-income countries like Argentina, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, and South Africa, safety issues, such as reducing crime and supporting law enforcement, were particularly prominent. In Greece, Poland, and Kenya, concerns about the rule of law were ranked high among the changes needed for improving democracy. However, in most other countries, reforming the justice system itself was not seen as crucial.

In Israel, judicial system reform was the top priority for improving democracy. The survey took place during a period of protests against proposed judicial reforms in the country. Participants focused on how these reforms would impact Israel’s democracy. In countries like Greece, people called for politicians to adhere to and enforce existing laws, emphasizing fairness and equal treatment under the law.

The need for safety was also recognized as an important aspect of improving democracy, especially in Argentina, Brazil, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, and South Africa. Argentinians tied safety and crime to the struggling economy, while others called for better law enforcement and protection of women. However, safety was not a top priority for improving democracy in most other countries.

Regarding the judicial system, outside of Israel, calls for reform were not a primary concern. In Israel, right-leaning individuals were more likely to mention the need for judicial reform, while those on the left were more likely to emphasize it in the United States. People who sought judicial system reform were divided into two main groups: those calling for less judicial interference in politics and those advocating for more independence from politicians.

Some suggested changes to the judicial system included implementing term limits for justices, increasing the number of Supreme Court judges, and ensuring an equal representation of judges from different political parties. In the United States, concerns were raised about the lifetime appointments of justices and the need for a code of ethics for the Supreme Court.

In conclusion, the survey revealed that public safety and the rule of law play significant roles in improving democracy in many countries. While some countries prioritize the reform of the judicial system, others focus on issues related to law enforcement, equal treatment under the law, and fairness in society. The survey provides valuable insights into the priorities and concerns of citizens around the world in their quest for a more democratic society.