New Jersey Takes Action to Ease Prior Authorization Process, Improving Access to Crucial Medications

PLAINFIELD, New Jersey — Sandra Johnson, a resident of Plainfield, New Jersey, has been grappling with severe persistent asthma for years. The condition significantly limits her daily activities, often leaving her short of breath and unable to perform simple tasks such as walking from her bedroom to the bathroom without taking breaks. To manage her asthma, Johnson relies on an injectable drug. However, her insurance company recently denied her request for prior authorization to continue receiving the medication, leaving her without treatment for months. Johnson’s experience is just one example of the challenges patients face … Read more

Public Safety and Rule of Law: Key Priorities for Improving Democracy, New Study Finds

Public safety and the rule of law are significant factors in improving democracy in many countries, according to a survey conducted in 24 nations. In middle-income countries like Argentina, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, and South Africa, safety issues, such as reducing crime and supporting law enforcement, were particularly prominent. In Greece, Poland, and Kenya, concerns about the rule of law were ranked high among the changes needed for improving democracy. However, in most other countries, reforming the justice system itself was not seen as crucial. In Israel, judicial system reform was the top … Read more