California Restaurant Billionaire Greg Flynn to Raise Panera Workers’ Wages to $20 per Hour Amid Controversy

Sacramento, California – California restaurant billionaire Greg Flynn, who was originally thought to be exempt from the state’s new $20 fast-food minimum wage law, has announced that he will now raise the pay of his employees to $20 per hour after all. Flynn, a significant donor to Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom, came under scrutiny when it was reported that his Panera franchises would benefit from a “bread exemption” loophole that would allow them to avoid the higher minimum wage by producing and selling bread on the premises. Following public backlash, Flynn stated that he never … Read more

Former Partner of Detained Billionaire Sues Evergrande Founder’s Son for Money Amidst Investigation

Beijing, China – A lawsuit has been filed by the former partner of a detained billionaire against Xu Jiayin, the chairman of embattled Chinese property developer Evergrande Group, seeking the repayment of a 200 million yuan ($31 million) loan. The lawsuit claims that Xu owes the money, which includes principal and interest, according to court filings. The case is pending a hearing. The legal action comes amidst ongoing investigations into Xu and his father’s finances, which could lead to the confiscation of their assets by mainland Chinese courts. This situation has prompted speculation that the … Read more