St. Louis Police Chief Faces Pushback in Withholding Bodycam Video After Crash into South City Bar

St. Louis, MO – The police chief of St. Louis is facing scrutiny for his refusal to release bodycam footage following a police SUV crash into a South City bar. Chief Robert Tracy cited state laws and the Sunshine Law as the reasons behind his decision. According to state law, police can withhold body camera footage if its release would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation or put a confidential informant at risk. However, in this particular case involving the crash at Bar:PM, a gay bar owned by Chad Morris and James Spence, there is no … Read more

Disturbing Bodycam Footage Reveals Fatal Police Shooting in Fresno, Sparking Family’s Lawsuit

FRESNO, Calif. – A critical incident video involving the shooting of 33-year-old Max Sosa Jr. by a Fresno police officer was released on Friday, shedding light on the events that unfolded on November 4, 2023, in northwest Fresno. The video, released by the Fresno Police, begins with the 911 call made by Sosa’s estranged wife, who reported that he was threatening to kill himself. The footage reveals that officers arrived at the scene in response to the call around 3 a.m. and attempted to make contact with Sosa, who was seen driving his white Tesla … Read more