REYKJAVIK, Iceland – Ling Yah Wong, a former lawyer from Reykjavik, Iceland, made a career change after realizing that being a lawyer was not bringing her joy or fulfillment. Wong, 33, had worked as a lawyer for 10 years after graduating from law school. Initially, Wong thought she would major in English literature in college, but after advice from her school’s career advisors, she decided to study law. She started working at an international law firm after obtaining her law degree from the London School of Economics. While she initially enjoyed the work, her discomfort grew as she gained a deeper understanding of the nature of legal work.
Wong, who worked as a litigator focusing on intellectual property litigation, realized that she did not enjoy reading case law, a crucial aspect of her job. Moreover, she became disillusioned with the demanding lifestyle of a lawyer, which often meant sacrificing personal time and vacations to meet the demands of the job. Despite the long hours, Wong struggled to find fulfillment in work she did not truly want to do.
In an attempt to find an alternative, Wong transitioned to working as an in-house counsel for an international conglomerate. However, she soon realized that it was not the long hours that were the issue, but rather her lack of passion for the legal field. Feeling lost and unsure of what to do next, Wong turned to podcasts for inspiration.
Listening to podcasts opened Wong’s mind to the possibility of creating something personal and meaningful. She started her own podcast, “So This Is My Why,” during the pandemic and poured her energy into it after work. Through her podcast, Wong aimed to connect with people, build a network, and explore her own interests. As she marketed her podcast on LinkedIn, one of her posts went viral, attracting attention and opportunities.
Encouraged by the response to her podcast and the potential for a new career path, Wong took the plunge and left her job as a lawyer in April 2023. Since then, she has found greater financial success and fulfillment than she ever experienced as a lawyer. By leveraging her legal background, Wong offers unique insights to her clients as a personal branding strategist.
Reflecting on her journey, Wong has no regrets about starting her career as a lawyer. Her legal background sets her apart and provides valuable expertise in her new line of work. However, she encourages others to consider putting themselves out there and exploring different opportunities early on. Starting the podcast and sharing her voice allowed Wong to discover a new path that brings her joy and a sense of purpose.
In conclusion, Ling Yah Wong’s decision to leave the legal industry and pursue a career as a personal branding strategist and podcaster demonstrates the importance of finding passion and fulfillment in one’s work. Through her journey, Wong discovered the power of putting herself out there and embracing new opportunities. Her story serves as an inspiration for those who may be seeking a career change or exploring different avenues for personal and professional growth.