Senior General Files Lawsuit Alleging Antisemitism and Wrongful Termination in California Military Department

Sacramento, California – A former high-ranking officer of the California Air National Guard has filed a lawsuit against Governor Gavin Newsom’s office, alleging that his complaints about antisemitism within the organization were ignored. Brig. Gen. Raymond Magram claims that his superior, Maj. Gen. Robert Beevers, made derogatory remarks about Jewish military personnel, creating a hostile work environment. The lawsuit alleges that despite multiple reports to Newsom’s office, no action was taken to address the issue.

Magram served as the assistant adjutant general of the military department, directly working for Beevers. However, in January 2023, he was involuntarily separated from the department following an undisclosed internal review. The termination marked the end of Magram’s nearly 40-year career with the California Guard and Air Force.

The lawsuit aims to restore Magram’s reputation and clear his military record. Magram asserts that Beevers’ actions were disturbingly aggressive and is seeking accountability through the legal system. The discrimination and retaliation he experienced resulted in financial and reputational damages, as well as an early retirement that impacted his pension.

According to the lawsuit, Beevers repeatedly made bigoted and disparaging statements about Jewish military personnel. Magram cites instances where Beevers referred to a Jewish lieutenant colonel negotiating a military discount as being “too Jewish” and labeled a Jewish major general as “cheap.” Additionally, Beevers allegedly described the California State Guard leadership as being run by a bunch of “kike” lawyers in the presence of another senior leader.

In response to the lawsuit, Newsom’s office declined to comment and referred inquiries to the California Military Department. Beevers, now the adjutant general of the department, dismissed the lawsuit as “retaliatory and baseless.”

Lt. Col. Brandon Hill, from the Office of Strategic Communications at the California Military Department, defended the actions taken against Magram. He stated that Magram had been investigated by the Air Force inspector general in 2021 for ethical violations and maltreatment of subordinates, resulting in a letter of admonishment. Hill emphasized that the disciplinary actions were based on independent investigations by the Air Force and the military department inspector general.

Magram claims that his removal from his post was a direct result of his complaints about antisemitism. He emailed the California Inspector General’s Office and the governor’s office in August 2022, detailing instances of abuse of authority and discriminatory statements by Beevers. However, shortly after, Magram faced disciplinary action following a complaint initiated by Beevers. While the complaint alleged misuse of military personnel for personal tasks, Magram alleges that this was Beevers’ way of punishing him for speaking out against bigotry.

The lawsuit further asserts that Beevers attempted to sabotage Magram’s disability retirement by instigating investigations into his disability claims. Beevers initiated an Article 239 action against Magram, leading to his removal from the California Air National Guard.

Magram’s case highlights the importance of addressing allegations of discrimination and creating a work environment free from bigotry. The outcome of this lawsuit could have significant implications for how the California Military Department handles such complaints in the future.