Former Ohio High School Coaches Sue District Over Alleged ‘Sham’ Settlement in Religious Rights Violation Case

CANTON, Ohio — Former coaches from Canton McKinley High School have initiated legal proceedings, claiming that the school district and its insurance provider orchestrated a settlement in a case that has drawn public attention for its alleged violation of a student’s religious rights. This legal action unfolds amid continuing controversy following the dismissal of the coaches due to an incident involving the forced consumption of food conflicting with a player’s religious beliefs. In June 2021, the head coach Marcus Wattley, along with six assistants, were terminated after accusations surfaced that they had coerced a player … Read more

Extraordinary Athletes, Coaches, and Moments Recognized at the Sports Awards of the Year

CHENNAI, INDIA – The annual Sports Awards Ceremony concluded last night, honoring the remarkable achievements of athletes across various disciplines. With a distinguished lineup of winners, the evening celebrated their exceptional contributions to their respective sports. From thrilling track and field performances to exemplary team sports victories, the awards highlighted the dedication and talent of these exceptional individuals. The event also recognized the efforts of coaches and organizations that have played a significant role in promoting sports at different levels. Among the winners, the Men’s Relay Team emerged as the Sportsman of the Year in … Read more