Redefining Family: How Parenthood is Evolving Post-Marriage Equality

In the years following the landmark decision on marriage equality in the United and the subsequent ripple effects continue to reshape family law as we know it. This decision not only affirmed the right of same-sex couples to marry but also heralded significant transformations in the definition of parenthood and the associated legal frameworks. The core legal shift began when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality, effectively requiring all states to license and recognize marriages between same-sex couples. This historic decision was celebrated by LGBTQ+ communities across the nation, but it was … Read more

Seeking Nominations for Columbus Human Rights Award: Celebrating Community Contributions to Equality and Social Justice

Columbus, Indiana – The Columbus Human Rights Commission is currently accepting nominations for the prestigious William R. Laws Human Rights Award. This award honors individuals, community organizations, or groups who have made significant contributions to the Columbus community in the areas of human and civil rights, equity, inclusion, belonging, and social justice. Previous recipients of the William R. Laws Human Rights Award include notable figures such as Fr. Clem Davis, Larry Perkinson, and Dr. Marwan Wafa. The award aims to recognize those who have actively worked to improve relationships among all people, increase awareness and … Read more

Celebrating Progress and Advocating for Gender Equality in the Judiciary: The International Day of Women Judges Highlights the Importance of Inclusion and Empowerment

The International Day of Women Judges, celebrated on March 10th, prompts reflection on the progress achieved in achieving gender equality within the judicial sphere. Judge Graciela Gatti Santana, President of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism), recognizes the remarkable contributions of her fellow women judges from diverse backgrounds around the world. These women enrich the Mechanism’s chambers with their expertise, some having attained judicial posts that were previously inaccessible to women. While there has been considerable progress, there remains much work to be done to achieve full and equal representation of women in … Read more

Massachusetts Senators Take Stand for Equality, Voting to Strike Down Outdated Laws Criminalizing Love and Sexuality

Boston, Massachusetts – The Massachusetts state senate has made a significant step towards modernizing its legal system by passing a bill aimed at striking down outdated laws from its statute books. Although the US Supreme Court ruled anti-sodomy laws as unconstitutional in 2003 and Massachusetts has recognized same-sex marriage since 2004, certain sections of state law still contain discriminatory restrictions on consensual sexual interactions among adults, according to state lawmakers. These archaic laws not only criminalize sodomy and “unnatural acts,” but also include penalties for using religious terms such as the “Holy Name of God” … Read more