Michigan Man Wrongfully Detained for 30 Hours, Sparks Nationwide Debate on Use of Facial Recognition in Policing

In January 2020, Farmington Hills, Michigan became the backdrop to a legal saga highlighting the fallibilities of modern policing technologies. Robert Williams, a local resident, found himself in police custody for 30 hours due to an erroneous facial recognition match connecting him to a robbery that took place at a Detroit watch store a year and a half prior. This incident, stemming from outdated driver’s license photos and the Michigan State Police’s facial recognition technology, eventually burgeoned into a lawsuit that challenged the use of such technology in law enforcement. Facial recognition technology (FRT) has … Read more

$22 Million FLSA Verdict: Court Demands Fair Pay for All Employee Hours at Pennsylvania Battery Plant

Philadelphia, PA – In a landmark decision by the Third Circuit, a Pennsylvania battery manufacturer has been ordered to pay over $22 million in back wages to thousands of employees. This ruling affirms a jury verdict concerning the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and underscores the legal mandates governing compensable work hours. The case centered around East Penn Manufacturing Company, known for its production of lead acid batteries and associated components. An essential aspect of the employees’ roles involved donning and doffing personal protective equipment (PPE) to safeguard against lead exposure, a recognized hazard in … Read more

Work Hours Clash: Senior Lawyer’s Critique of Gen Z’s Flexible Schedule Ignites Fiery Workplace Debate

In a recent event that has sparked widespread discussion, a senior lawyer critiqued the work habits of a younger colleague, highlighting a deep-seated generational divide in workplace expectations. The controversy began when Ayushi Doshi, an advocate, expressed dismay over a message from her junior staff member who requested to start work late after having worked additional hours the previous night. The incident underscores the evolving standards of professional conduct and the clash between longstanding workplace norms and modern approaches to work-life balance. Ayushi Doshi posted her frustration on social media, sharing a screenshot of the … Read more