Legendary Charleston Lawyer Gedney Howe III: A Master of Storytelling and Courtroom Triumphs

Charleston, South Carolina – Gedney Howe III, a seasoned lawyer with over 50 years of experience, has earned a reputation as one of the most formidable storytellers in the legal profession. With a career that boasts an impressive portfolio of landmark cases such as Lost Trust, Operation Jackpot, and Morning Dew, it’s no wonder that his friends affectionately refer to him as the “rainmaker,” the highest honor bestowed upon an attorney. Recently, as Howe began his second half-century in the legal field, I had the opportunity to join him and his colleagues for lunch. The … Read more

Legendary Hollywood Lawyer Marshall B. Grossman Leaves a Lasting Legacy as a Passionate Advocate for Chabad and Jewish Causes

Los Angeles, California – Marshall B. Grossman, a highly regarded litigator in Hollywood, passed away at the age of 84 after battling Parkinson’s disease for a decade. Known for representing high-profile clients such as Steven Spielberg, Clint Eastwood, and J.K. Rowling, Grossman was a prominent figure in the legal world. However, his connection to Rabbi Boruch Shlomo Cunin of West Coast Chabad-Lubavitch revealed a softer side to the tough lawyer. Rabbi Cunin described Grossman as “like a brother” and emphasized his unwavering support, always ready to lend a hand when needed. Grossman was deeply involved … Read more

Legendary Lawyer Leon Wildes, Savior of John Lennon’s US Stay, Passes Away at 90

New York City, NY – American lawyer Leon Wildes, known for his role in representing John Lennon in his battle against deportation from the United States, has passed away at the age of 90. Wildes, whose health had been deteriorating following a series of strokes, died on Monday at Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan, according to his family. In the early 1970s, Wildes became involved in the high-profile case of Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono, as they sought to extend their US visas. Initially unaware of the famous couple, the lawyer agreed to meet … Read more

Legendary Music and Sports Agent Norby Walters Passes Away at 91, Leaving Behind a Legacy Tinged with Controversy

LOS ANGELES – Norby Walters, a former music and sports agent who faced legal troubles during his career, passed away at the age of 91. Walters, whose real name was Norbert Weindorf, had a long and controversial history in the entertainment industry. Born in New York City in 1930, Walters began his career as a talent agent in the 1960s. He represented numerous high-profile clients, including musicians such as Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, and the Four Tops. Walters was known for his ability to negotiate lucrative contracts and secure endorsement deals for his clients. However, … Read more