FTX Founder Faces “Grotesque” Suggested 100-Year Prison Sentence for Cryptocurrency Crimes, Lawyer Calls for Leniency

NEW YORK (AP) — The lawyer for Sam Bankman-Fried, founder of FTX, called the suggested 100-year prison sentence for his client “grotesque” and “barbaric.” Attorney Marc Mukasey argued that a term of a few years behind bars would be more appropriate for the cryptocurrency crimes that Bankman-Fried still disputes. In presentence arguments filed in Manhattan federal court, Mukasey contended that the report by probation officers improperly calculated the federal sentencing guidelines. The recommendation of a 100-year sentence falls just 10 years short of the maximum possible sentence of 110 years. Prosecutors, who will respond in … Read more

Mullins Appeals for Mercy in Jan. 6 Sentencing: An Inside Look at the Advocacy for Leniency

PADUCAH, Ky. – Ahead of the sentencing in the high-profile January 6th case, defendant John Mullins pleads for leniency from the judge. Mullins is one of the individuals charged with storming the Capitol that day, and his request for mercy comes as part of his effort to avoid a lengthy prison term. In his appeal to the judge, Mullins emphasizes his previously unblemished record and states that he is genuinely remorseful for his actions. He acknowledges the seriousness of the offense, but argues that a lengthy imprisonment would be unduly harsh given his lack of … Read more