The Dark Side of Mass Tort Litigation: How Lawyers and Financiers Exploit the Legal System for Profit

Washington, D.C. – Late-night television commercials are notorious for their abundance of advertisements targeting potential victims of various products or treatments. However, behind the seemingly harmless nature of these ads lies a massive and costly legal phenomenon that continuously disrupts our economy. Promoting their intention to assist the public, the lawyers responsible for these advertisements mainly benefit powerful law firms and their wealthy backers. Mass tort litigation or class-action lawsuits rely heavily on advertising to attract clients. These attorneys pour billions of dollars into ads between 2017 and 2021, casting a wide net to maximize … Read more

La Jolla Property Owners Can Profit from New State Law Allowing Sale of Auxiliary Dwelling Units

La Jolla, California – Assembly Bill 1033, a new state law that recently came into effect, has the potential to reshape neighborhoods in La Jolla. The law allows for the separate sale of auxiliary dwelling units (ADUs) built on residential properties. This concept, known as “condoization,” involves dividing traditional single-family lots into multiple-family lots, granting separate ownership rights to different parties. While some property owners may see this as an opportunity to sell their ADUs, others have concerns about living next to multiple units or a condominium complex. Similar to a state law in California … Read more

The Secrets Behind the Lucrative Mass Tort Playbook: How Attorneys Profit by Exploiting the Legal System

COLUMBIA, SC – With football playoffs on the horizon, the focus naturally turns to teams’ playbooks. However, there’s another kind of playbook at play in the legal field, allowing attorneys to secure massive settlements in profit-driven mass tort litigations. These cases, which often target major corporations, have seen exponential growth, raising concerns about their impact on the economy. Mass tort litigations involve consolidating a large number of personal injury claims against a single defendant. It’s common for these cases to settle out of court due to the sheer volume of claimants attracted by aggressive advertising … Read more