Class Action Lawsuit Accuses Temu App of Illegally Accessing Users’ Phone Data

BOSTON (AP) — Temu, a Chinese-owned company, is facing a class-action lawsuit in multiple states over allegations of accessing customer information on their phones. The lawsuit was filed on February 16 by a law firm on behalf of more than a dozen plaintiffs from Massachusetts, California, Illinois, New York, and Virginia. According to the plaintiffs, Temu deliberately loaded its app with malware and spyware and misled customers about how their data is used. A court filing highlighted the complaint, stating that Temu has access to “literally everything” on users’ phones. The online marketplace is also … Read more

Mariner Wealth Faces Lawsuit Alleging Unethical Use of Insiders for Accessing Exclusive Client Data

Kansas City, Missouri – Mariner Wealth Advisors, a prominent financial services firm, is facing a lawsuit alleging the use of “inside men” to gain access to confidential client data. The lawsuit claims that these individuals provided insider information to Mariner Wealth, allowing them to gain an unfair advantage in the industry. The plaintiff, who remains anonymous, filed the lawsuit in a Missouri court. According to the complaint, Mariner Wealth worked with these “inside men” to gather confidential information about competitors and their clients. This information allegedly included sensitive details about investment strategies and client portfolios. … Read more