High-Stakes Legal Drama: Trump’s Lawyers Challenge Gag Order Amidst Clashes Over Presidential Comments

Washington, D.C. — The legal battles involving former President Donald Trump continue to intensify as both sides of the courtroom spar over the proposed limitations on what Trump can publicly disclose about the case. The debate centers on the potential imposition of a gag order, a measure that Special Counsel Jack Smith argues is necessary given Trump’s history of inflammatory social media activity. Recently filed court briefs reveal the ongoing confrontation. Special Counsel Smith’s team argues that Trump’s targeted social media attacks frequently result in severe harassment, including death threats and doxing, against public servants … Read more

Federal Court Awards E. Jean Carroll $83.3 Million in Damages for Donald Trump’s Defamatory Comments, Setting Historic Precedent

New York – A federal court jury in New York awarded E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million in damages for defamatory comments made by former President Donald Trump. These comments, made in 2019, attacked her character and subsequently led to years of threats and harassment from Trump’s supporters. The majority of the award, $65 million, came in the form of punitive damages after jurors determined that Trump acted maliciously and recklessly towards Carroll following her accusation of sexual assault against him in the 1990s. An additional $18.3 million was awarded to her as compensatory damages. This … Read more

Trump Faces Trial as Jury Determines Financial Consequences for Defamatory Comments

New York City, NY – Former President Donald Trump appeared in court for the start of a trial on Tuesday, facing a defamation lawsuit brought by writer E. Jean Carroll. Trump was absent from the previous trial in May, where he was found liable for sexually abusing Carroll and ordered to pay $5 million in damages. The current trial will solely focus on the amount of money Trump must pay Carroll for his comments about her during his presidency in 2019. Before jury selection began, it was established that Trump had sexually assaulted Carroll, a … Read more