Prominent Judge Warns of GOP’s Dangerous Distortions about Jan. 6 Attack on Capitol

Washington, D.C. – A judge appointed by former President Ronald Reagan has expressed concern about the attempts by Republicans to distort the events of the January 6 Capitol attack. U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth, who presided over a recent resentencing hearing, criticized prominent political figures for their questionable remarks regarding the convicted individuals involved in the insurrection. Lamberth warned that such rhetoric could pose a further risk to the country, describing it as “preposterous.” While he did not mention specific politicians by name, he referenced radical rhetoric from several Republican members of Congress, including … Read more

Jury Duty Alert: Weather Forces Cleveland County Jurors to Report on Tuesday, Jan. 23

NORMAN, Okla. – Judges in Cleveland County, Oklahoma, have made the decision to reschedule the reporting and selection of prospective jurors due to anticipated severe weather conditions. This announcement comes as a heads-up to all residents who have received a summons for jury duty on Monday, Jan. 22. Instead, jurors are now instructed to report to the court on Tuesday, Jan. 23. It is important to note that the reporting time remains the same as stated on the original summons. Inclement weather often poses challenges and disruptions to various aspects of daily life, and the … Read more

Mullins Appeals for Mercy in Jan. 6 Sentencing: An Inside Look at the Advocacy for Leniency

PADUCAH, Ky. – Ahead of the sentencing in the high-profile January 6th case, defendant John Mullins pleads for leniency from the judge. Mullins is one of the individuals charged with storming the Capitol that day, and his request for mercy comes as part of his effort to avoid a lengthy prison term. In his appeal to the judge, Mullins emphasizes his previously unblemished record and states that he is genuinely remorseful for his actions. He acknowledges the seriousness of the offense, but argues that a lengthy imprisonment would be unduly harsh given his lack of … Read more