Albuquerque Takes on Auto Giants: Files Lawsuit Against Kia and Hyundai Over Missing Anti-Theft Features

Albuquerque, N.M. — The City of Albuquerque has initiated legal action against automotive giants Kia and Hyundai, accusing them of deliberately omitting essential anti-theft technology in their vehicles. This lawsuit places Albuquerque among numerous U.S. cities that have recently pursued claims against these manufacturers for similar grievances. According to the lawsuit, this purported cost-cutting measure has resulted in Hyundai and Kia vehicles becoming a prime target for thefts. Vehicles produced between 2011 and 2021, the city alleges, lack engine immobilizers, a critical component that prevents the engine from operating unless the correct key is present. … Read more

Minneapolis Start-up’s Car Tracking Tags Provide Solution for Stolen Vehicles as Owners of Certain KIA and Hyundai Models Can Reap Benefits

Minneapolis, MN – TC Nighthawks, a startup in Minneapolis, has seen a surge in inquiries following a $200 million settlement against KIA and Hyundai. The settlement allows owners of certain models of these vehicles to purchase GPS-equipped car-tracking tags and be reimbursed for the expense. TC Nighthawks, which debuted the tags last year to assist in the recovery of stolen vehicles, is anticipating increased sales as a result. Notices regarding the settlement and the process for reclaiming out-of-pocket expenses related to thefts and attempted thefts will be sent out this week via mail and email. … Read more

Newark Joins New York in Lawsuit Against Hyundai and Kia Over Missing Anti-Theft Technology, Thefts Soar by 1,200%

Newark, New Jersey is joining other cities, including New York, in filing a lawsuit against Hyundai and Kia. The lawsuit alleges that the car manufacturers knowingly neglected to include anti-theft technology in their vehicles. The issue came to light through a viral TikTok video, and as a result, vehicle thefts involving Hyundai and Kia models in Newark rose by more than 1,200%. In 2022, Newark reported 110 thefts of Hyundai and Kia vehicles. However, within the first 10 months of 2023, that number skyrocketed to over 1,900 thefts. This significant increase in thefts prompted the … Read more