Contempt of Court and Disobedient Jurors: Judge Gives Fiery Lecture on Importance of Legal System

Polson, Montana – Disregarding a court order and a lack of cooperation from jurors prompted Judge Molly Owen to deliver a stern lecture at Polson District Court on January 24th. Numerous individuals were summoned to appear before Judge Owen to explain why they had failed to fulfill their jury duty obligations for a trial scheduled on December 4, 2023. During the hearing, Owen emphasized the significance of jury trials, the crucial role of jurors, and the importance of the legal system. Furthermore, Judge Owen expressed her dissatisfaction with the behaviors of Sunny Katherinne White, 29, … Read more

Civil Rights Lawyer Shares Powerful Insights in Earlham College’s MLK Jr. Day Zoom Lecture

RICHMOND, Indiana – Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana, celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day with a virtual lecture featuring a prominent civil rights lawyer. The event aimed to honor the legacy of Dr. King and raise awareness about pressing civil rights issues in America. The lecture, held on Monday, January 17, was attended by students, faculty, and community members. It featured attorney Earlham alumna Earmelinda McAllister. McAllister is known for her work in advocating for marginalized communities and fighting for social justice. During her Zoom lecture, McAllister highlighted the importance of engaging in difficult conversations … Read more