Arizona’s Legal Landscape Transformed: Private Equity and Litigation Funders Seize Opportunities in Law Firm Ownership

Phoenix, AZ — Arizona has become a burgeoning hub for the legal industry following the state’s decision to remove prohibitions against non-lawyers owning law firms. This groundbreaking move has attracted a notable influx of private equity firms and litigation financers keen to capitalize on this newly opened market. The change stems from the elimination of a rule that previously barred non-lawyers from holding ownership stakes in legal practices. Since this change was enacted in 2020, Arizona has approved 76 alternative business structures (ABS), applications, many of which include investments from private equity or litigation finance … Read more

North Carolina’s Strict Occupational Licensing Laws Stifle Economic Growth and Opportunities

RALEIGH, North Carolina — The state of North Carolina may be hindering its future economic performance by imposing strict occupational licensing requirements. In order to enter many professions in the state, individuals must possess specific education credentials, undergo a certain amount of training, or pass licensure exams. While it is common for states to license certain professions like physicians and civil engineers, North Carolina stands out by requiring licenses for occupations such as eyelash technicians, apprentice manicurists, and drama movement therapists. In recent rankings of state licensing laws, North Carolina ranked poorly. A report by … Read more

Kentucky Residents: Exciting News about Super Purchase Opportunities!

Louisville, Kentucky – Residents of Louisville, Kentucky are now able to easily navigate and complete their online purchases thanks to a new update on a popular e-commerce website. The update allows users to select their state and zip code, providing a more streamlined and efficient shopping experience. The addition of this feature benefits both the consumers and the e-commerce company. By selecting their state, users can now access relevant information and prices specific to their location, ensuring accuracy and convenience during the online purchasing process. The inclusion of a zip code field also enables the … Read more

FDA Program Allows Importation of Health Canada-Approved Drugs, Opening New Opportunities for Pharmaceutical Access

Miami, Florida – The importation of drugs approved by Health Canada into the United States may become a reality under a new program established by the FDA. Recently, the FDA approved a proposal for the Section 804 Importation Program (SIP) in Florida, making it the first state to receive approval for importing pharmaceuticals approved by a foreign regulator. This groundbreaking move could pave the way for other states, like Colorado, to seek FDA approval for similar programs. While the availability of Canadian-approved drugs in the US is promising, it presents unique challenges for foreign manufacturers … Read more