Beverly Hills Middle School Students Investigated for Sharing AI-Generated Nude Photos of Classmates: Legal Complications Arise

BEVERLY HILLS, California – The Beverly Hills Police Department is grappling with a legal dilemma surrounding the sharing of deepfake images by a group of students from Beverly Vista Middle School. These students allegedly used an artificial-intelligence-powered app to doctor photos of their classmates, replacing their faces with AI-generated nude bodies. While sharing a real nude photo without consent would potentially lead to prosecution under child pornography laws, the application of these laws becomes murky when dealing with AI-generated deepfakes. Lt. Andrew Myers, spokesman for the Beverly Hills police, confirmed that the investigation is ongoing … Read more

Lawyer Takes Stand Against Unlawful Use of Personal Photos in Damaging Online Review

Los Angeles, CA – A lawyer in California has filed a lawsuit against two former clients for allegedly using her copyrighted photos without permission in order to post a negative online review. Lili Bell, the lawyer, claims that Yizhi Liu and Ziqi Liu published the copyrighted pictures in multiple social media posts, which were specifically aimed at criticizing both the law firm and Bell herself. This lawsuit, filed in the US District Court for the Central District of California, accuses the defendants of copyright infringement as well as breaching a retainer agreement by refusing to … Read more

Social Media Abuzz as YSL Defense Attorney Arrested on Gang Charges, Shocking Instagram Photos Surface

Los Angeles, California – Social media users are buzzing about defense attorney Nicole Fegan, known for representing defendants in the YSL Rico gang trial, after she was arrested on gang-related charges. The arrest sparked a frenzy of comments on platforms like X (formerly Twitter), with users expressing their astonishment at Fegan’s behavior on her Instagram page. Fegan’s Instagram account featured various photos of her flaunting large sums of cash and wielding multiple firearms. One user even posted a screenshot of Fegan pointing a gun at the camera, sarcastically suggesting that anyone following her account might … Read more