Egg Producers Found Guilty of Conspiracy to Limit Supply, Ordered to Pay $53 Million in Damages

Indianapolis — A federal jury in Illinois has awarded $17.7 million in damages, tripled to over $53 million under federal law, to multiple food manufacturing companies in their lawsuit against major egg producers. The companies accused the egg producers of conspiring to limit the egg supply in the United States, leading to increased product prices during the 2000s. The jury determined that the actions took place between 2004 and 2008. The verdict was reached on Friday in the Northern District of Illinois. According to federal antitrust law, the damages are automatically tripled, resulting in a … Read more

Egg Producers Hit with $53 Million Verdict for Conspiracy to Limit Supply and Increase Prices

Chicago, IL – A federal jury in Illinois has awarded $17.7 million in damages to several food manufacturing companies who filed a lawsuit against major egg producers over allegations of conspiring to limit the egg supply in the United States. The damages, which were automatically tripled under federal law to over $53 million, were the result of a jury ruling that the egg producers engaged in practices to restrict the domestic egg supply and increase prices during the 2000s. The specific timeframe identified by the jury for the conspiracy was between 2004 and 2008. Court … Read more

Egg Producers Ordered to Pay $53 Million in Damages Following Conspiracy to Limit Supply

INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana – A federal jury in Illinois has awarded $17.7 million in damages, which has tripled to more than $53 million under federal law, to several food manufacturing companies who had filed a lawsuit against major egg producers. The lawsuit alleged that the egg producers conspired to limit the egg supply in the United States. The jury’s ruling, which came last week, found that the egg producers used various methods to restrict the domestic supply of eggs in order to drive up prices from 2004 to 2008. The defendants in the case, however, have … Read more

Controversial Laws Enforced: Montana’s Housing Supply Stifled as Homeowners Challenge Constitutionality

BOZEMAN, Mont. – Two new laws aimed at boosting Montana’s housing supply have been temporarily halted by a district court judge. Homeowners have filed a lawsuit, arguing that the laws are unconstitutional and will negatively impact property values. The judge’s ruling has garnered frustration from advocates and lawmakers who believe it will hinder the construction of much-needed housing. Gallatin County District Court Judge Mike Salvagni has blocked the implementation of two laws that would require cities to permit the construction of more multi-family and accessory dwelling units, irrespective of local regulations. The blocked laws were … Read more