Kansas Ushers in Sweeping Reforms with 101 New Laws Starting July: Child Welfare, Cybersecurity, and More

Topeka, KS — Kansas has ushered in a significant legislative shift with the enactment of 101 new laws starting Monday, as announced by Gov. Laura Kelly and state lawmakers. These regulations, part of a broader tally of 113 statutes passed this year, span a wide array of issues from child welfare reforms spurred by tragic incidents to innovative responses to modern problems like cybersecurity threats. A notable advancement is the establishment of a permanent independent office of a child advocate, created in response to the tragic death of five-year-old Zoey Felix of Topeka. The bill, … Read more

Florida Ushers in New Laws: From Teaching Communism in Schools to Revamping Condo Rules and Reducing Climate Change Focus

Tallahassee, Fla. — A slew of new laws signed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are set to take effect, promising significant changes across education, property rights, environmental policies, and more. As these regulations activate on July 1, they spark discussions and debates about their potential impact on daily life in Florida. One of the noteworthy changes in the education sector is the introduction of a new bill requiring the history of communism to be incorporated into the curriculum of public schools starting from the 2026-2027 school year. This mandate ensures that even students in elementary … Read more

Georgia Ushers in a New Era: Key Laws Set to Transform Daily Life Starting July 1

Atlanta, GA — A wave of new legislation is set to reshape life in Georgia on July 1, with measures touching on everything from health care and safety to the financial burdens of education and vehicle ownership. These laws result from the most recent legislative session where lawmakers aimed to address various issues affecting residents across the state. One significant change is aimed at enhancing mental health services in Georgia. This comprehensive reform seeks to improve access to mental health care, focusing on the availability of resources and expanding insurance coverage for mental health conditions. … Read more

Indiana Ushers in Sweeping Legislative Changes Starting July: New Protocols for Child Safety, Education, and Workforce Laws Take Effect

Columbus, IN — As the calendar flips to July, Indiana is set to implement a slate of new laws that cover a wide range of issues, from enhancing protections for young children to making adjustments in education and workplace regulations. Starting Monday, one of the most discussed new statutes is focused on establishing safe baby courts. Authored by Rep. Ryan Lauer, R-Columbus, these specialized courts aim to address the needs of children age 5 and under who are experiencing abuse and neglect. Lauer, a member of the House Family, Children and Human Affairs Committee, explains … Read more