Beware of New Scam Wave Preying on Clark County Residents: Fake Jury Duty Warrants Demand Private Information and Payments

Vancouver, Washington residents are being targeted in a new wave of scams that involve claims of missed jury duty. Scammers are contacting individuals via phone and other methods, informing them that they must provide personal information and payment to avoid being jailed. The Clark County Superior Court Administration has received approximately 20 emails and phone calls about this scam in the past week alone.

In a statement released on Thursday, the court made it clear that they do not initiate calls regarding warrants, fines, fees, or payments related to jury service. They emphasized that they would never ask residents for money over the phone. The scammers are tricking victims into believing that they have missed jury duty and then demanding that they meet with a specified individual to provide bank, credit card, or other personal information to avoid incarceration.

The court revealed that the scams have occurred not only over the phone but through various other means as well. Scammers have even gone to the extent of issuing citations for bench warrants to further deceive their victims. They have posed as law enforcement officers, providing fake badges and phone numbers, sometimes even using a fictitious Clark County Sheriff’s Office phone number to appear more convincing.

These scammers may request victims’ names, addresses, or Social Security numbers and instruct them to stay on the phone. Some victims have reported being directed to meet in person with cash or pay for the citation over the phone. The court has made it clear that all of these statements are fraudulent and highlighted the scammers’ persuasive tactics.

Cheryl Stone, the Superior Court administrator, advised residents who receive these calls to exercise caution and refrain from providing personal information or paying any amount of money. She urged individuals to gather as much information as possible about the caller and report it to the local police department or the sheriff’s office.

It is important for Vancouver residents to remain vigilant and skeptical of unsolicited phone calls or messages regarding jury duty or any legal matters. Scammers are constantly devising new tactics to exploit unsuspecting individuals, but with awareness and proper reporting, it is possible to minimize the impact of these fraudulent schemes.