Federal Judge Seeks Maryland Supreme Court’s Ruling on Controversial Child Victims Act, Shaping Future of Abuse Lawsuits

Upper Marlboro, Maryland – A federal judge has sought clarification from the Maryland Supreme Court regarding the constitutionality of the state’s Child Victims Act. The act, which has sparked numerous child sex abuse lawsuits, was called into question by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in a federal lawsuit involving allegations of sexual abuse by a Mormon priest. U.S. District Judge James K. Bredar has requested the Supreme Court of Maryland to define the state’s law, potentially expediting a definitive ruling on the matter. Judge Bredar’s decision comes amidst ongoing appeals of lawsuits … Read more

Man Convicted of Terrorist Act Appeals Murder Convictions in Attack on Muslim Family

LONDON, Ontario – Nathaniel Veltman, the man responsible for the brutal murder of four members of a Muslim family in a terror-driven attack, has filed an appeal seeking to overturn his convictions, according to his defense lawyer, Christopher Hicks. The “inmate notice of appeal” was submitted within the required 30-day window after Veltman’s sentencing. In February, Veltman received a life sentence with no possibility of parole for 25 years after being found guilty of four counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder. The charges stemmed from his deliberate act of driving his … Read more

Federal Judge Rules Against Plaintiff in Landmark Americans with Disabilities Act Case, Decision Sparks Controversy

GREELEY, Colo. – A federal judge in Colorado has determined that he lacks the authority to intervene in a case where a plaintiff’s jury award of $3.5 million was intercepted by the state. The plaintiff, Jason Brooks, had filed a lawsuit claiming violations of his rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). U.S. District Court Judge S. Kato Crews acknowledged the possibility of a narrow path for Brooks to seek enforcement of the payment, but ultimately found no legal precedent that allowed him to reopen the long-running lawsuit. Brooks, who had been incarcerated in … Read more

Retired Resident Reflects on the Jury Duty Experience: A Balancing Act of Justice and Personal Conviction

Durango, Colorado – Serving on a jury can be a unique and thought-provoking experience. Recently, a columnist from The Durango Herald shared their personal reflections on their time as a juror. As someone who was also a part of that jury, I can relate to their sentiments. Throughout the years, I had been summoned for jury duty multiple times, but never had the opportunity to actually serve until now. When my name was called, I felt a mixture of surprise and responsibility. I took pride in knowing that I could approach the role with impartiality … Read more