Sick Juror Delays Deliberations in Joseph Bongiovanni Bribery Trial: Will Alternate Replace?

Buffalo, New York – The Joseph Bongiovanni bribery and corruption trial took an unexpected turn on Wednesday when jurors were sent home due to a sick juror. U.S. District Judge Lawrence Vilardo acknowledged that even a federal judge cannot prevent someone from falling ill. The trial, which began on April 3 after 24 days of testimony and closing arguments, was set to enter its fifth day of deliberations. Joseph Bongiovanni, a former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent, faces 15 felony charges including accepting bribes, shielding drug traffickers, and lying to investigators. Defense attorneys for Bongiovanni … Read more

Chicago Alderman Convicted of Racketeering and Bribery Escapes Discipline Due to Powerful Connections

Chicago, IL – Former attorney and Alderman Ed Burke, who was convicted of racketeering, bribery, and attempted extortion, is avoiding suspension despite his charges. The Illinois Supreme Court has yet to act on a petition for an interim suspension, as a majority of the court’s justices have recused themselves from the case. This has brought attention to the influence and power that the Burke family has had in the Illinois judiciary. Burke’s crimes involved a city hall shakedown scheme to benefit his law firm, Klafter & Burke. He allegedly blocked permits for companies that did … Read more

Former Honolulu Prosecuting Attorney and Businessman on Trial for Conspiracy and Bribery Charges

HONOLULU, Hawaii – More than 70 potential jurors gathered in a federal courtroom on Tuesday for the trial of former Honolulu Prosecuting Attorney Keith Kaneshiro, businessman Dennis Mitsunaga, and others. The defendants are facing charges of conspiring to bribe Kaneshiro with campaign contributions in exchange for prosecuting a former Mitsunaga employee. Senior U.S. District Judge Timothy M. Burgess presided over the proceedings, having taken over the case after Judge J. Michael Seabright recused himself. Burgess addressed the jurors and emphasized the importance of impartiality and fair judgment in assessing the evidence to be presented by … Read more

Former FBI Informant Charged with Fabricating Bribery Scheme Involving President Biden’s Family Faces Detention Hearing

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A former FBI informant accused of orchestrating a false bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden’s family is scheduled to appear in a California federal court today. The hearing will determine whether Alexander Smirnov, who claims to have connections to Russian intelligence, should remain in custody while awaiting trial. Special counsel David Weiss is urging U.S. District Judge Otis Wright II to keep Smirnov behind bars, citing concerns that he may attempt to flee the country. Last week, a different judge released Smirnov on electronic GPS monitoring, but he was re-arrested following … Read more