Cannabis Firms Challenge Federal Restrictions, Cite Commerce Clause in Appeal

Washington, D.C. — A group of cannabis companies has announced plans to appeal a recent lawsuit dismissed by a federal judge, asserting that federal laws are impeding their ability to conduct business across state lines, thereby violating the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. This legal battle underlines the ongoing tension between federal restrictions and the burgeoning cannabis industry, which has been legalized in various forms in multiple states. The lawsuit originally aimed to challenge the federal government’s stringent control over cannabis production and distribution, a regulation rooted in the Controlled Substances Act that categorizes … Read more

China Revises Contentious National Security Law, Dropping ‘Harmful Spirit’ Clause Amid Public Backlash

In a significant legal revision, China has amended a contentious clause in its draft law, a move seen by observers as an effort to protect individual freedoms and reduce legal ambiguities. Previously, the draft included language that penalized the act of “producing, disseminating, propagating or spreading articles or remarks that are harmful to the spirit or the feelings of the Chinese nation.” This phrase, criticized for its vagueness and subjective interpretation, was removed to prevent potential misuse in law enforcement and infringement on public rights. Shen Chunyao, deputy chairman of the NPC Constitution and Law … Read more