Federal Judge Rules Miami’s City District Maps Unconstitutional, Casting Doubt on Future Elections

Miami, Florida – A federal judge in Miami, Florida has invalidated the city’s district maps, ruling that they were racially gerrymandered for several decades, causing uncertainty for the city’s electoral future. The decision came in response to a lawsuit filed by civil rights groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and NAACP, who alleged that Miami’s council districts were illegally segregated based on ethnic makeup. Judge Michael Moore issued the ruling, affirming the claims made by the plaintiffs. In his decision, Moore stated that by categorizing citizens by race, the city violated the equal … Read more

Increasing Access to Fair Representation: Advocating for Equitable District Maps in California

Ventura, California – The redrawing of district maps in California is a crucial process that takes place every decade following the release of updated Census data by the federal government. These new boundaries must accurately represent the state’s population and serve as the basis for Congressional, State Senate, State Assembly, and State Board of Equalization districts. To ensure fairness and nonpartisanship, California established an independent commission, authorized by the Voters First Act in 2008, to undertake this task. Composed of 14 members, the commission comprises five Republicans, five Democrats, and four individuals not affiliated with … Read more