Hawaii’s Third Circuit Court Seeks Independent Grand Jury Counsel for Hilo and Kona

Hilo, Hawaii – The Circuit Court of the Third Circuit on Hawaii Island is currently inviting qualified legal professionals to apply for the position of independent grand jury counsel for its Hilo and Kona divisions. This role is crucial in aiding the judicial system and fostering a transparent legal process. Applicants must be duly licensed to practice law in Hawaii, and their credentials should display no affiliations with public employment, as mandated by Hawaii Revised Statutes. The chief justice of the state’s Supreme Court is responsible for these appointments, which cover all four judicial circuits … Read more

Hawai’i’s Illegal Fireworks Dilemma: Calls for Stricter Enforcement and Public Education on Risks and Regulations

Honolulu, Hawaii – In a city where vibrant cultural celebrations often light up the night sky, the rampant use of illegal aerial fireworks poses a challenge to law enforcement and public safety. This pressing issue, exacerbated during festivities like New Year’s Eve and the Fourth of July, has revealed a widespread disregard for the existing fireworks ban, prompting discussions on the need for more stringent enforcement and public education. Despite the clear legal repercussions, including potential felony charges under state law, many in Hawaii seem to know exactly where to procure these prohibited pyrotechnics. This … Read more

Hawaii’s High Court to Hear Landmark Case Against Major Insurer Over Denied Treatments

Honolulu, Hawaii — In a significant legal move, the Hawaii Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case involving the state’s largest health insurer, HMSA, which is facing allegations from both physicians and patients. These allegations claim that the pre-authorization requirements set by HMSA have resulted in the denial of necessary medical treatments. The lawsuit underscores a grievous narrative shared by individuals who argue that their medical care was significantly compromised under HMSA’s policies. Among the plaintiffs is the family of Tammy Souza, whose treatment for breast cancer was allegedly denied by HMSA. Her husband, … Read more

Bridging the Gap: New Laws Enhance Language Access for Hawaii’s Immigrant Community

Honolulu, Hawaii — The struggle for language accessibility is a persistent hurdle for many immigrants in the U.Learn learning a new language as an adult can be daunting, and as a result, immigrants often depend on their children, who pick up the language at school, to navigate complex legal and healthcare systems. Maria Rallojay, who moved from Baguio, Philippines to Hawaii at the age of seven, shared how she became an essential bridge for her father, handling everything from legal documents to tax consultations due to her proficiency in English. Her childhood experience underscores the … Read more