New Illinois Laws Provide Unpaid Leave for Grieving Workers Affected by Violent Crimes and Tragedy

Springfield, Illinois – Two new laws have been implemented across the state, granting workers the right to take unpaid leave in the unfortunate event of a family member’s death due to violent crime. This marks a significant step towards providing support and compassion to employees during times of grieving. The first law expands the scope of the Victim’s Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA) by requiring businesses of all sizes to offer two weeks of unpaid and job-protected leave if a household family member falls victim to a violent crime. This ensures that employees can … Read more

Devastating Obstacles: Texas Woman Forced to Leave State for Life-Saving Abortion

Austin, Texas – A Texas woman had to seek judicial approval to terminate her pregnancy for the first time in at least 50 years. Kate Cox, a 31-year-old Texas resident, discovered that her fetus had a chromosomal abnormality that could be life-threatening and affect her future fertility. However, due to the restrictive abortion laws in Texas, she faced numerous obstacles in accessing the necessary procedure. Despite a temporary restraining order issued by a district judge, the state supreme court overruled the decision, forcing Cox to leave the state to seek an abortion elsewhere. Cox’s case … Read more