Wicomico County Jury Awards $3.38 Million in Landmark Medical Malpractice Case

SALISBURY, Md. – A jury in Wicomico County recently delivered a landmark $3.38 million verdict in a medical malpractice lawsuit, making it the largest such verdict in the county’s history. The case involved Mary and Timothy Raver, who sued Dr. Peter Libby and Peninsula Radiological Associates for failing to properly evaluate, treat, and report Mary Raver’s condition, which progressed from stage I cancer to terminal stage IV cancer. According to the jury’s unanimous decision, Libby and Peninsula breached the standard of care owed to Raver. The jury found that Libby, who was employed by Peninsula, … Read more

Waterbury Jury Grants $14.4 Million Verdict in Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Over Collapsed Imaging Table

WATERBURY, Connecticut – In a significant victory for the plaintiffs, attorneys from Silver Golub & Teitell have successfully secured a $14.4 million award in a medical malpractice lawsuit. The case involved an incident where an imaging table collapsed, causing severe injuries to the plaintiff and necessitating multiple surgeries. The trial concluded on Friday, as a Waterbury jury determined that James Griswold and his wife Diana Griswold should receive a total of $9 million in compensation. Of this amount, James Griswold was awarded $3 million in economic damages and an additional $4 million for the pain … Read more

Detroit Mother and Son Awarded $120 Million in Landmark Medical Malpractice Case Over Delayed Caesarean Section

DETROIT, Michigan – In a groundbreaking medical malpractice case, a Wayne County jury has awarded a Detroit mother and her 13-year-old son a staggering $120 million. The verdict comes after a four-week trial that examined the devastating consequences of a delayed caesarean section. The child, named K’Jon, suffered severe brain damage, cerebral palsy, and developmental delays as a result. The lawsuit, filed in December 2020 in Wayne County Circuit Court, accused an obstetrician and four nurses from Henry Ford Health Systems of negligence in their care of Kirsten Drake and her unborn baby back in … Read more

Landmark Jury Verdict: $1.65 Million Awarded to Family in Medical Malpractice Case

CHICAGO (AP) – A jury in Cook County has awarded a family $1.65 million in a landmark decision following the death of 61-year-old Joyce Hobson. Hobson died after undergoing a second surgery to correct a perforated colon. Initially admitted to Advocate South Suburban Hospital for complications related to her chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Hobson’s condition further deteriorated due to complications arising from the surgical intervention. Joyce Hobson’s medical journey began on April 30, 2011, when she was admitted to the emergency room showing signs of shortness of breath and other symptoms related to her … Read more