Passionate Screenwriter Battles Obstacles to Bring George Washington and Alexander Hamilton’s Story to the Big Screen

SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. – Matthew Ryan has spent the past decade working on a feature film project that explores the complicated relationship between Founding Fathers George Washington and Alexander Hamilton. Despite facing numerous challenges, Ryan remains committed to his script titled “Aegis for Dreams.” The goal is to raise $30 million for the film, which he believes has the potential to resonate with a wide audience. The 58-year-old lawyer and former banker has no prior experience in the film industry, which he readily acknowledges. However, he is determined to bring this untold story to the … Read more

Kurdish Journalist Suleiman Ahmed: Kidnapped and Held in Custody, Lawyers Face Obstacles in Obtaining Information and Access

DOHUK, Kurdistan Region – Journalist Suleiman Ahmed, who was abducted by authorities from the Kurdistan Democratic Party, has been subjected to false and baseless charges, according to one of his lawyers. The lawyer emphasized that Suleiman had entered and returned from Rojava with official documents, as well as possessing official residency in southern Kurdistan. Before his kidnapping, he had no legal issues. Since Suleiman’s abduction, a team of lawyers has been formed to review his case. The lawyers attempted to meet with the Asayish of Dohuk, but were denied access to their client. The Asayish … Read more

Devastating Obstacles: Texas Woman Forced to Leave State for Life-Saving Abortion

Austin, Texas – A Texas woman had to seek judicial approval to terminate her pregnancy for the first time in at least 50 years. Kate Cox, a 31-year-old Texas resident, discovered that her fetus had a chromosomal abnormality that could be life-threatening and affect her future fertility. However, due to the restrictive abortion laws in Texas, she faced numerous obstacles in accessing the necessary procedure. Despite a temporary restraining order issued by a district judge, the state supreme court overruled the decision, forcing Cox to leave the state to seek an abortion elsewhere. Cox’s case … Read more