Shaping the Future: Next-Gen Lawyers Discuss Essential Skills for a Rapidly Evolving Legal Landscape

In the evolving landscape of global law, young associates at BLG, a renowned legal firm, shared their insights on the essential attributes that future lawyers must cultivate to thrive. As the legal sector rapidly adapresses the demands posed by technological advancement, cultural diversity, and international commerce, these emerging legal professionals pinpoint the skills that will define the next generation of successful lawyers. Sinem Ersoy, an associate in Corporate and Capital Markets at BLG’s Calgary office, emphasized the importance of cross-cultural competence. According to Ersoy, understanding diverse cultural norms, customs, and legal systems is critical for … Read more

Trump Amplifies Alina Habba’s Outrage Over CNN’s Criticism of Her Legal Skills

NEW YORK (AP) – Alina Habba has become the subject of public discourse after a video of her expressing frustration with her portrayal on CNN went viral. The video, shared by former President Donald Trump on social media, shows Habba confronting the perception that she is a “terrible lawyer” on the news network. Habba, an attorney based in New York City, took to Twitter to address the criticism she has faced. In the video, she passionately defends her legal expertise and questions the credibility of those who have labeled her negatively. Trump’s decision to share … Read more

12 Elite Law Schools Recognized for Innovative Teaching Methods to Bridge Skills Gap

NEW YORK (AP) – Law schools across the country are being recognized for their innovative approaches to teaching critical lawyering skills. Bloomberg Law’s Law School Innovation Program, now in its second year, aims to identify and honor these schools for their pioneering efforts in legal education. The program’s focus this year is on addressing the practical skills gap in traditional legal education. While most law schools adhere to the minimum mandates set by the American Bar Association for skills-based courses, there is a recognized disconnect between the skills students possess upon graduation and the skills … Read more