Maine Gun Owner Advocates for Responsible Gun Legislation to Promote Safety and Prevent Tragedies

Stockton Springs, Maine – As a gun owner and hunter, Brian Sterner supports further safe gun legislation in Maine. He believes that these laws, which aim to reduce gun usage in cases of suicide, domestic violence, mass shootings, and other crimes, are not a threat. Sterner also criticizes the unfounded fear among responsible gun owners that such legislation will lead to the eventual elimination of gun ownership. He argues that this fear is propagated by gun manufacturers and groups like the NRA. One specific measure that Sterner supports is the 72-hour rule, which imposes a … Read more

Michigan’s New Gun Laws Focus on Safe Storage to Prevent Tragedies

MID-MICHIGAN, February 7 — Michigan will implement new gun laws next week, addressing issues such as safe storage and firearm accessibility. These laws mandate universal background checks for all gun transfers and sales, the ability to issue extreme risk protection orders, and the establishment of new regulations for safe storage. In particular, the focus of a recent virtual event was on the importance of safe storage laws. During the event, Jon Gold, a member of Giffords Gun Owners for Safety and a firearms instructor for 25 years, emphasized the potential risks of leaving loaded weapons … Read more

Jury Shares Recommendations to Prevent Future Tragedies After James Smith Cree Nation Stabbing Massacre

Melfort, Saskatchewan – The coroner’s inquest into the devastating stabbing massacre at James Smith Cree Nation has come to a close after more than two weeks of testimony. The jury, comprised of six individuals, has reached a consensus and is now sharing its recommendations aimed at preventing similar tragedies in the future. The inquest, which began on January 15, focused on the events that unfolded on September 4, 2022, when Myles Sanderson took the lives of 11 individuals, including 10 from James Smith Cree Nation and one from the neighboring village of Weldon. Over the … Read more