New Draft Legislation Puts Americans in Control of Personal Data Privacy

Washington, D.C. – Lawmakers from both political parties have taken a significant step towards giving Americans more control over their personal data and its usage by tech companies. After years of deliberation, draft national privacy legislation has been released by lawmakers from two congressional committees. The proposed bill, known as the American Privacy Rights Act, includes various policies that aim to empower internet users in the data sharing process. One of the key provisions of the legislation is the establishment of a national standard that allows individuals to determine where their personal information is sent. … Read more

Federal Judge Rules Against Plaintiff in Landmark Americans with Disabilities Act Case, Decision Sparks Controversy

GREELEY, Colo. – A federal judge in Colorado has determined that he lacks the authority to intervene in a case where a plaintiff’s jury award of $3.5 million was intercepted by the state. The plaintiff, Jason Brooks, had filed a lawsuit claiming violations of his rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). U.S. District Court Judge S. Kato Crews acknowledged the possibility of a narrow path for Brooks to seek enforcement of the payment, but ultimately found no legal precedent that allowed him to reopen the long-running lawsuit. Brooks, who had been incarcerated in … Read more

Americans File Lawsuit Against National Park Service Over Cashless Entry Policy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Three Americans have filed a lawsuit against the National Park Service, claiming that the agency’s refusal to accept cash payments for park entry violates federal law. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Washington, D.C., asserts that the park service is infringing on the Americans’ right to pay with cash at various parks, monuments, and historic sites across the country. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit are from California, New York, and Georgia. They have cited instances where they were denied entry at National Park Service locations in states including Arizona, New York, … Read more

The Economic Drain of Mass Tort Litigation: How All Americans Are Paying the Price

New York, NY – Mass tort lawsuits in the United States are having a significant economic impact on Americans, regardless of their knowledge or involvement in such litigation. These profit-driven legal maneuvers often benefit attorneys while draining the economic resources of the general public. Mass tort litigations involve multiple plaintiffs, sometimes numbering in the thousands, seeking damages from corporations for alleged harm caused by their products. While some cases may be valid, many are initiated by attorneys through extensive advertising campaigns to locate individuals who can be convinced they have suffered harm. This process flips … Read more