Mother on Trial for Leaving Toddler Alone for 10 Days: Can Depression Justify Her Actions?

CLEVELAND, Ohio – A woman in Cleveland, Ohio is on trial for leaving her 16-month-old daughter alone in a playpen for 10 days while she vacationed. The child was found dead when the woman, Kristel Candelario, returned home and called the police. Candelario has been arrested and pleaded guilty to aggravated murder and child endangerment, resulting in a life sentence. Candelario’s defense team has struggled to defend her actions, arguing that she was struggling with depression and anxiety. However, her lawyer, Derek Smith, emphasized that these mental health conditions do not excuse what happened. He … Read more

Connecticut Governor Calls for Expansion of Paid Sick Days Statutes to Protect More Workers

HARTFORD, Conn. – Governor Ned Lamont is urging the General Assembly to pass legislation that would expand and strengthen Connecticut’s paid sick days laws. Lamont, along with State Senator Julie Kushner and other lawmakers, emphasized the need for this expansion during a press conference. They argued that the current law leaves many workers without protection. Lamont’s proposal aims to ensure that more workers in the state have the opportunity to take time off when they are sick or need to care for a sick family member. It also includes safeguards for small businesses to prevent … Read more

Notorious NYC Landlord Faces Arrest for Ignoring Court-Ordered Repairs, Could Go to Jail for 60 Days

NEW YORK CITY – A Manhattan judge has ordered the arrest of Daniel Ohebshalom, one of the most notorious landlords in New York City, for failing to make court-ordered repairs at two Washington Heights properties. Ohebshalom, who topped the public advocate’s recent “worst landlords” list, faces up to two months in jail for repeatedly neglecting mandatory repairs, according to Judge Jack Stoller. This represents a rare instance of a landlord facing jail time for substandard living conditions. Ohebshalom allegedly ignored scheduled appointments and failed to address nearly 700 violations across the two buildings, which include … Read more

Judge Demands State Action: Oklahoma County Inmate Waits 480 Days for Mental Health Treatment

Oklahoma City – Inmates at the Oklahoma County Detention Center are facing extensive delays in receiving mental health evaluation and treatment. The average wait time at the county jail before being transferred to a mental health facility is a staggering 480 days. Recently, an Oklahoma County judge took action against these prolonged wait times, threatening to impose fines on the state if inmates are not promptly transferred. The judge argued that the jail is not an appropriate environment for individuals with severe mental health needs. In January, KOCO reported that dozens of inmates were waiting … Read more