Pharmacy Benefit Managers and Drug Companies Face Lawsuit for Inflating Insulin Prices, Targeting Vulnerable Patients in Indiana

Indianapolis, Indiana – The Attorney General of Indiana, Todd Rokita, has filed a lawsuit alleging that pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) and drug companies have colluded to maintain high insulin prices. Rokita claims that these companies are exploiting vulnerable individuals in need of this vital medication. The lawsuit does not specifically name the drug company Eli Lilly, even though it settled a class-action lawsuit last year over allegations of insulin price fixing for over $13 million. Among the companies named in the lawsuit are Caremark PCS and CVS Healthcorp, both associated with CVS, one of the … Read more

Trump and His Business Accused of Falsely Inflating Net Worth by Billions in Fraud Trial

New York, NY – Former President Donald Trump and his business are facing allegations of using deceptive tactics to inflate his net worth. According to court filings from the New York attorney general’s office, Trump and several top executives, including his adult sons, engaged in “myriad deceptive schemes” to artificially inflate the value of the Trump Organization’s assets. The focal point of the attorney general’s case is Trump’s statements of financial condition, which provide details on the value of the organization’s assets. These documents were submitted to banks and insurers in order to secure loans … Read more