Jury’s Multimillion-Dollar Verdict Against White Nationalists in Charlottesville Case Partially Restored by Appeals Court

RICHMONd, Va. — Four years following the tumultuous and violent 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, justice has been sought through a pivotal legal battle. Recently, a federal jury determined leaders and groups associated with the white nationalist movement are liable for over $26 million in damages, acknowledging the physical and emotional harm inflicted on several individuals. This substantial judgment captured headlines mostly for its punitive damage component initially set at $24 million. However, this figure was later reduced significantly by a judge to only $350,000 shared among eight plaintiffs. In a turn of … Read more

Former White House Lawyer Expresses Disappointment and Confusion Over Supreme Court Ruling in Favor of Trump

Washington, D.C. – A former White House lawyer expressed significant disappointment and confusion following a Supreme Court decision that was seen as favorable to former President Donald Trump. The ruling in question has sparked wide debate about the implications for presidential accountability and the balance of powers within the U lenited States government system. The lawyer, who had served during Trump’s tenure, voiced concerns that the decision could set a troubling precedent. According to legal experts, the ruling may potentially limit the ability of the judiciary to hold a sitting or former president accountable under … Read more

Federal Court Reinstates Millions in Damages Against White Supremacists for Charlottesville Rally Violence

Richmond, Va. — A federal appeals court on Monday overturned a previous decision that had substantially reduced the damages awarded to plaintiffs who suffered during the violent Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017. The court’s decision reinstates over $2 million in damages, initially granted by a jury to victims who endured physical and emotional distress caused by prominent white supremacists and hate groups. In 2021, a jury awarded $24 million in total damages to eight plaintiffs for the hardships endured during the rally. However, this amount was later cut down by a judge … Read more

Court Increases Financial Penalty for White Nationalists to $2 Million Over Charlottesville Rally Violence

Charlottesville, Va. — A Virginia judge has mandated that prominent white nationalists, including some organizers of the 2017 Unite the Right rally, pay an additional $2 million in punitive damages. This decision escalates the financial repercussions stemming from their roles in the violent events that disrupted Charlottesville, resulting in widespread injury and the death of one woman. The order, issued by Charlottesville Circuit Court Judge Richard E. Moore, supplements an earlier ruling where the defendants were already found liable for planning and participating in the rally which turned calamitously violent. This new penalty brings their … Read more