New Bills Could Subject Employers and Developers to Extensive Regulation on AI Use in the Workplace

Washington, D.C. – Federal legislators are proposing new laws that could have a significant impact on employers and developers who utilize artificial intelligence (AI) systems. These bills aim to address specific issues related to AI in the workplace, such as overreliance on automated decision systems and invasive workplace surveillance. While current AI regulations focus on broader principles, these new bills would provide more clarity and guidance in relation to AI use in employment settings. One bill, known as the “No Robot Bosses Act,” aims to prohibit employers from solely relying on automated decision systems for … Read more

California Implements New Law on Retaliation: Guidelines for Employers to Mitigate Risks and Ensure Fair Employment Practices

SACRAMENTO, California – Recent changes in California’s employment laws have brought about a significant shift for employers in handling disciplinary actions and terminations following a protected complaint. The implementation of a new law has established a rebuttable presumption of retaliation, which has far-reaching implications. This article will delve into the legislation, explore its impact, analyze the burden shifting analysis, and provide practical guidance for employers to mitigate risks. The new law introduces a rebuttable presumption of retaliation when certain violations of the Labor Code occur and an employee faces disciplinary action or termination within 90 … Read more

Minnesota Implements New Employment Laws for 2024: What Employers Need to Know

MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota – As the calendar turned to January 1, 2024, Minnesota saw the implementation of several new employment laws. These laws, which were passed during the 2023 legislative session, bring significant changes for employers with workers in the state. In this White Paper, we delve into the intricacies of the modifications that employers must adhere to going forward. Chief among them are the restrictions on inquiring into job applicants’ pay history and the obligation to provide sick and safe leave to employees. Taking immediate action in the form of updating hiring and sick leave … Read more

Explore the Complexities of Overtime Laws: A Comprehensive Guide for Employers

ALBANY, New York – Overtime laws vary across states in the United States, and it is crucial for employers to have a clear understanding of the regulations in their respective regions. These laws dictate the payment and time-off provisions for employees who work beyond their regular working hours. Businesses must comply with these laws to avoid legal consequences and protect the rights of their workers. In New York, for instance, the state’s labor laws require employers to pay their employees at a rate of 1.5 times their regular hourly wage for any hours worked beyond … Read more