New Jersey Judge Upholds Implementation of Groundbreaking Affordable Housing Law Amid Municipal Pushback

TRENTON, N.J. — A Mercer County Superior Court Judge issued a decision on Tuesday that supports the continuation of New Jersey’s rigorous new affordable housing legislation, striking down a request to halt the law’s implementation. The motion to pause, brought forward by two dozen municipalities known for their resistance to inclusive housing policies, was decisively rejected by Judge Robert T. Lougy. In September, these municipalities had jointly filed a lawsuit challenging the state’s affordable housing framework. The legislation mandates every city allows a quota of affordable housing to accommodate its population’s needs. A hearing to … Read more

Morgantown Opens Search for New Municipal Court Judge Following Retirement of Longtime Jurist

Morgantown, West Virginia, is on the hunt for a new municipal court judge following the retirement of the city’s long-serving judge. The upcoming vacancy presents an opportunity to bring fresh perspectives into the city’s legal system, officials said. The retiring judge, who had held the position for over a decade, was known for his dedication to fairness and community service. His retirement marks the end of an era and ushers in a new phase of judicial administration in Morgantown. City officials have not yet named the judge’s successor but are committed to a thorough and … Read more

FAA Insists Boulder Keep Municipal Airport Open, Cites Decades-Old Federal Funding Agreements

BOULDER, Colo. – The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has intensified its legal stance, insisting that Boulder City must keep its municipal airport operational indefinitely, due to agreements tied to federal funding received in the past. This development comes as the FAA filed a dismissal motion on Nov. 1, opposing Boulder’s lawsuit which challenges this mandate and seeks to potentially close Boulder Municipal Airport by 2040. The crux of the dispute hinges on whether the acceptance of federal grants by Boulder decades ago obligates the city to maintain the airport’s operations indefinitely. This question emerged from … Read more

Governor Names Experienced Prosecutor as Miami County’s Newest Municipal Court Judge

Columbus, Ohio — A seasoned prosecutor with extensive experience in trial law has been appointed as the new judge of the Miami County Municipal Court, officials announced Thursday. The appointment made by Governor Mike DeWine fills a critical vacancy, promising to bring a high level of legal acumen and commitment to the bench in southwestern Ohio. The newly appointed judge, Sarah Johnson, steps into her judicial role after dedicating over 20 years to public service as a prosecutor, where she handled felony criminal cases, including homicide and major drug offenses. Her impressive track record in … Read more