Enphase Energy Faces Class Action Lawsuit Over Alleged Inflated Stock Prices and Misleading Statements

Fremont, Calif. — A recent lawsuit has positioned Enphase Energy, Inc. at the center of a significant legal battle over its stock prices. Filed on May 29, 2024, the class action suit represents shareholders who allege they purchased company stock at inflated prices between February 7, 2023, and April 25, 2023. The plaintiffs now seek reparations for their claimed losses, citing misleading statements by the company and certain top executives which they argue led to an artificial inflation of stock values. Enphase Energy, recognized globally for its advanced solar generation, storage, and energy management solutions, … Read more

Pharmacy Benefit Managers and Drug Companies Face Lawsuit for Inflating Insulin Prices, Targeting Vulnerable Patients in Indiana

Indianapolis, Indiana – The Attorney General of Indiana, Todd Rokita, has filed a lawsuit alleging that pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) and drug companies have colluded to maintain high insulin prices. Rokita claims that these companies are exploiting vulnerable individuals in need of this vital medication. The lawsuit does not specifically name the drug company Eli Lilly, even though it settled a class-action lawsuit last year over allegations of insulin price fixing for over $13 million. Among the companies named in the lawsuit are Caremark PCS and CVS Healthcorp, both associated with CVS, one of the … Read more

Landmark $1.8B Verdict on Broker Fees Sparks Potential Drop in Home Prices

Los Angeles, California – The $1.8 billion verdict on broker fees in California could potentially have a significant impact on home prices in the region. This ruling, which could lead to a decrease in home prices, has sent shockwaves through the real estate market. The verdict stems from a class-action lawsuit against NRT LLC, one of the largest residential real estate brokerages in the country. The lawsuit alleged that the company violated antitrust laws by requiring sellers to pay high commission fees to both the listing and buyer’s agents. The jury unanimously sided with the … Read more

Egg Producers Hit with $53 Million Verdict for Conspiracy to Limit Supply and Increase Prices

Chicago, IL – A federal jury in Illinois has awarded $17.7 million in damages to several food manufacturing companies who filed a lawsuit against major egg producers over allegations of conspiring to limit the egg supply in the United States. The damages, which were automatically tripled under federal law to over $53 million, were the result of a jury ruling that the egg producers engaged in practices to restrict the domestic egg supply and increase prices during the 2000s. The specific timeframe identified by the jury for the conspiracy was between 2004 and 2008. Court … Read more