Supreme Court Decisions Challenge Biden’s Climate Agenda, Empowering Conservative Pushback on Environmental Regulations

WASHINGTON — Three years after President Joe Biden committed to a “whole-of-government approach” to address the climate crisis with ambitious goals such as transitioning half of all new cars to electric models by 2030, recent Supreme Court decisions have cast uncertainty on this and broader environmental agendas. These rulings, notably from last week, have raised significant challenges to federal agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EBA), potentially shaping environmental and climate regulations for the foreseeable future. In a series of impactful decisions, the Supreme Court has imposed major roadblocks on the government’s capability to regulate … Read more

San Francisco’s Creative Approach to Sidestep State Environmental Legislation

San Francisco, California – The city of San Francisco is embarking on a mission to circumvent a state environmental law that requires local communities to approve new commercial developments. To achieve this, the city is proposing a sweeping rezoning plan that would categorize such projects as “recreational amenities,” thereby bypassing the need for public approval. The primary driver of this move is a desire to expedite the development of mixed-use projects, such as office buildings with integrated housing or retail spaces. By reclassifying these projects as recreational amenities, San Francisco intends to streamline the approval … Read more

EU Slashes Scope of Corporate Sustainability Law, Drawing Criticism for Neglecting Human Rights and Environmental Concerns

BRUSSELS – The European Union (EU) has come under criticism from environmental campaigners after member states approved a revised corporate sustainability directive that has significantly reduced the scope of laws designed to hold companies accountable for human rights abuse and environmental harm in their supply chains. The directive, which was first agreed upon in December, was nearly scuttled when a minor coalition partner in the German government withdrew support. However, after a month-long search for compromise and further lobbying from France and Italy, the directive was approved on Friday. The Belgian government, which currently holds … Read more

Community Fights Against Proposed Warehouse Near Dallas Church, Concerns Over Environmental and Safety Impact

DALLAS, TX – Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas County is engaged in a legal battle to halt the construction of a 200,000-square-foot warehouse planned by Stonelake Capital Partners. The proposed warehouse would be located near the church property between I-20 and Wheatland Road. The City of Dallas initially rejected the building permit due to concerns over truck routes, but the permit was later granted by a city appeals board. In response, the church filed a lawsuit in December, seeking an injunction to stop the construction temporarily. The dispute between Friendship-West Baptist Church and Stonelake Capital … Read more