Landmark Case: Ohio Supreme Court to Determine Governments’ Power to Challenge Temporary Orders on Laws

COLUMBUS, Ohio—The Ohio Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to decide whether governments have the right to challenge temporary orders that block the implementation of laws. This decision comes as the city of Columbus requested the court’s intervention regarding a preliminary injunction that was imposed by a Delaware County Common Pleas judge. The injunction, which is still in effect, halted the enforcement of two city ordinances related to firearms. One ordinance requires safe storage of guns, while the other prohibits the possession of certain high-capacity magazines. The Buckeye Institute, a conservative think tank, has filed a … Read more

Government’s Attempt to Strip Climate Protesters of Legal Defence Sparks Outcry Over Jury Rights

London, United Kingdom – A high-profile climate activist, who was acquitted last year of criminal damage in a climate trial, is speaking out against the attorney general’s attempt to remove one of the last remaining legal defenses for climate protesters. The case is heading to the court of appeal on Wednesday, where the attorney general, Victoria Prentis, will argue that the defense used by the activist should no longer be available to climate activists. The defense in question, known as “lawful excuse,” allows defendants to argue that they had a lawful excuse for their actions … Read more

Wave of Fraudulent Claims Threaten Government’s Billion-Dollar Payout for Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Victims

Jacksonville, North Carolina – The government’s plan to compensate victims of toxic water at Camp Lejeune is facing a significant challenge. Fraudulent claims are pouring in, threatening to disrupt or taint what could potentially become one of the largest mass tort cases ever. Mikal Watts, a Texas attorney whose firm represents 6,000 Camp Lejeune clients, revealed that their internal auditors have identified numerous bogus referrals from other law firms. These referrals, involving both Camp Lejeune and other cases, often rely on doctored medical records and fabricated reports of diseases or illnesses. Shockingly, some potential plaintiffs … Read more

Boone County Judge Executive Gary Moore Appointed President of Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI)

Cincinnati, Ohio – The Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI) has selected its board and officers for 2024, with Boone County Judge Executive Gary Moore leading as president. This marks Moore’s second consecutive term as president of the transportation agency. The newly appointed officers will serve a one-year term, effective immediately. Moore expressed his enthusiasm in working alongside his fellow board members to continue improving the region’s quality of life and economic vitality. He praised OKI as a national model for how a metropolitan planning organization can transform a region, crediting CEO Mark Policinski and … Read more