Nevada Legislature Faces Critical Decisions on Small Business Litigation Reforms Amid Rising Costs

Carson City, NV – As the 2025 Nevada State Legislature gathers momentum, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) remains vigilant. This session, they are closely monitoring any legislative proposals that could potentially escalate operational costs or increase the vulnerability of small business owners to lawsuits. Litigation represents a heavy burden for small enterprises. According to the legal experts at Novian & Novian, the average cost for an employer to settle a claim with the assistance of an employment attorney before going to trial is about $75,000. This figure can leap beyond $125,000 if the … Read more

Minnesota Legislature Takes Action to Reform Property Forfeiture Laws in Response to Supreme Court Ruling

St. Paul, Minnesota – The Minnesota Legislature is poised to pass new property forfeiture laws in response to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling last year that declared the state’s current system unconstitutional. The Supreme Court’s unanimous decision in the case of Tyler v. Hennepin County found that the county violated a woman’s constitutional rights by selling her forfeited property for more than the amount she owed in taxes and keeping the surplus. Earlier this year, the state agreed to pay a settlement of $109 million to resolve class action lawsuits filed on behalf of Minnesotans … Read more

Louisiana Legislature Pushes Bills to Curtail Public Records Law, Threatening Transparency and Vigilance

Baton Rouge, Louisiana – The Louisiana Public Records Law, which plays a crucial role in maintaining transparency and accountability in government, is threatened by a wave of bills currently being considered in the state legislature. If these bills pass, they could undermine the public’s access to vital information. Without a strong public records law, there can be no vigilance from citizens, leaving room for potential misconduct and secrecy. One bill of particular concern is Senate Bill 482, introduced by Sen. Heather Cloud. This bill seeks to revive and expand upon former Gov. Bobby Jindal’s “deliberative … Read more

Hong Kong Legislature Fast Tracks Controversial National Security Law, Sparking Concerns over Civil Liberties

HONG KONG (AP) — Hong Kong’s legislators convened in a special session on Tuesday to resume the debate over a proposed national security law. The legislation aims to grant the government greater power to suppress dissent in the southern Chinese city. This law is seen as the latest move in a broader political crackdown following the pro-democracy protests in 2019 and builds upon a similar law imposed by Beijing four years ago that has significantly silenced opposition voices in Hong Kong. The special session, held a day before the regular legislative sessions, indicates the government’s … Read more