Republican Senator Publicly Rebukes Texas AG Ken Paxton: Criminal Defense Lawyers Calling Out His Actions

Washington, D.C. – In a fiery exchange during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, a Republican senator rebuked Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, accusing him of employing defense lawyers who had called the top law enforcement official’s own criminal conduct into question. This heated confrontation took place amidst an ongoing investigation into alleged corruption and abuse of office by Paxton, which has raised troubling questions about his credibility and ability to discharge his duties. The clash unfolded as Senator Sheldon Whitehouse from Rhode Island challenged Paxton directly, asserting that his defense attorneys had held serious doubts … Read more

Supreme Court Considers Reversal of Colorado’s Ruling, Allowing Trump to Participate in Republican Presidential Primary

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court seems poised to reverse the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling that former President Donald Trump is ineligible to run in the state’s Republican Party Presidential primary. The ruling disqualifies him under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which states that anyone who engaged in insurrection or rebellion is ineligible for office. While the official decision has yet to be announced, legal experts predict that the U.S. Supreme Court will allow Trump’s name to appear on the ballot, according to widespread observer views. During the oral arguments for Trump v. Anderson, … Read more

Democratic and Republican Senators Unite to Oppose Controversial Texas Two-Step Legal Tactic

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a rare show of bipartisan unity, Democratic Senators Dick Durbin and Sheldon Whitehouse, along with their Republican counterpart Josh Hawley, have come together to oppose a legal tactic known as the Texas Two-Step. This maneuver, used by large corporations facing mass tort claims, involves creating a new subsidiary to divert liability and then filing for bankruptcy. The senators have urged the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a ruling by the U.S. Appeals Court that allowed paper giant Georgia-Pacific to utilize this legal strategy to avoid millions in asbestos liability claims. The … Read more

Explosive Revelations by Republican Judge Pose a Serious Threat to Trump’s Ballot Eligibility

MADISON, Wisconsin – As the 2020 Presidential election draws near, a Republican judge in Wisconsin has brought forth what he claims to be “absolutely damning” evidence that could potentially hinder President Donald Trump’s candidacy. The judge’s revelations have created a considerable buzz among political circles and sparked discussions about the validity of Trump’s eligibility to appear on the state’s ballot. The judge, whose name has not been disclosed for personal safety reasons, offered startling insights during a closed-door hearing. According to sources familiar with the matter, the evidence presented by the judge allegedly reveals significant … Read more